Terms and privacy

Terms of Use
These Terms of Use apply when you use the Someturva service. We recommend that you read them carefully before using the service because using the service requires that you accept these terms.
Privacy Policy of the Service
We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the personal data you provide to us. This privacy policy describes how and why we collect and use personal data in our service.
Cookie Policy
This cookie policy explains how we use cookies and how you can control the use of cookies on your device.
Verkkokaupan tilaus- ja toimitusehdot
Nämä ehdot koskevat Someturvan verkkokauppaa. Kun ostat palvelumme verkkokaupastamme, sitoudut noudattamaan näitä ehtoja.
Cookie Policy
This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies and how you can control the use of cookies on your device.