Terms of Use

Last updated: 01/09/2023

Welcome to our service! These Terms of Use apply to your use of the Someturva service.

Please read the Terms of Use carefully before using the service because using the service requires that you accept these terms. These terms constitute a binding legal agreement between you and us. For this reason, we recommend that if you are a minor, i.e. under 18 years of age, you read these terms with your guardian or other adult. However, the consent of a parent or guardian is not required to use the service.

These terms have been translated from their original Finnish version which was updated on 6.10.2021.

What is our service all about?

You can get help and support for an unpleasant situation on social media or elsewhere, such as bullying, harassment or intimidation from our digital service. We are constantly improving the service, so it is provided exactly as it appears on the Someturva (www.someturva.fi) website.

If you have received access to the service free of charge, for example through our partners, we don’t charge you anything for using the service unless otherwise agreed. However, please keep in mind that to use the service you need, for example, an internet connection and a smart device, which you'll be responsible for covering the costs of. If there should be any separate fee for using the service, we will let you know about it before you start using the service. If you have started using the service free of charge we will not change it to a paid service without giving you a notice in advance.

The service is available in Finland. When we provide our legal assessment, we apply Finnish law as it is in force at the time we give our response. We aim to provide you with a recommendation for action on your problem within approximately 1-3 school/working days after you have reported it to the service.

We will do our best to ensure that the service is available continuously and without disruption. However, we do not guarantee the uninterrupted, timely or error-free operation of the service, or that data would not be altered or lost.

We improve the service constantly. We reserve the right to make changes to the service and its content, fix errors and deficiencies in the service, and remove parts or functionalities of the service. We may also restrict your use of the service, parts of the service or our website.

Registering to the service

In order to use our service, you must register. Registration is confirmed by a separate one-time password sent to your phone or email.

Once you have registered for our service and accepted these Terms of Use, you will no longer be able to cancel your registration. However, you have the right to delete your registration at any time and terminate these terms for your part in accordance with the "Termination of the Agreement" section.

Using the service

The service is used by describing an unpleasant situation that has happened on social media or elsewhere, following the instructions provided by the service. The response you receive from the service will be based solely and exclusively on the information you provide on the service. You are responsible for the information you provide on the service and we do not verify the accuracy or correctness of the information you provide. If for any reason you provide false or inaccurate information on the service, you understand that also our response may be incorrect and not appropriate to your situation.

The response we provide on the service is a recommendation on how you could solve the situation based on the information you have given us. We will provide you with a recommended action plan based on the information you provide, but we cannot further handle or resolve the problem for you. The response you receive from the service will not bind or obligate you, us or any other party (such as the bully) in any way. We also will not be responsible for any action you take or decide not to take on the basis of the advice you receive from the service.

Our service may include links to websites operated by third parties. If you use these links, you exit the service and use them at your own risk. We do not control or review the content of third-party websites and are not responsible for the reliability, accuracy or security of such websites.

Please note that by using the service, you agree to the following:

  • You will not use the service in violation of these Terms of Use, applicable laws and government regulations.
  • You will not use the service for any purpose for which it is not intended, such as making false reports, bullying or similar activities.
  • You will not use the service for any commercial purpose or provide the service or any part thereof to any third party, unless otherwise expressly agreed.
  • You will not submit to the service any material that violates any law, regulation or these Terms of Use, or material that is protected by the intellectual property rights of third parties.
  • You will not register with the service using incorrect information or provide false or clearly untrue information on the service.
  • You will not use the service in a manner that may interfere with other users' use of the service.
  • You will not attempt to crash, disrupt, or hack into the service.

We have the right to remove any content you have submitted to the service, and we do not commit to retain or back up any content you submit.


We will keep all the information you give us in the service and any content you submit to it confidential. We will ensure that anyone who has access to the information you have provided or the content you have submitted to the service will comply with the confidentiality obligation set out in this paragraph.

We will not disclose the information you provide or the content you submit to the service to any third party. However, we may provide access to the information you provide or the content you upload to the service to our own employees and contractors to the extent necessary to provide the service.

With your consent, we may, if necessary, provide information you have provided to the service or content you have submitted to the service to a third party, such as the police or other authorities. However, we will not do this without your consent.

This obligation of confidentiality will continue as long as the agreement between you and us is valid and also after it has been terminated (see title “Termination of Agreement”).

Our obligation of confidentiality does not apply to a situation where a public authority requests information from us which the public authority is entitled to receive from us under applicable law.

Personal data and data security

We process personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We use cookies on the service. You can find more information about cookies and the processing of personal data in our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.

We aim to provide the service with the highest possible level of data security. Please note that the Internet and the online environment are not completely data secure. You are responsible for the security of the information systems and network connections you use.

Rights to the service

Our rights

All rights to the Someturva service are owned exclusively by us or third parties. All content on the service (including text, images, logos and trademarks) is the property of Someturva and/or its affiliates, protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and may not be used or copied without permission.

Access granted to you by us

The account you create on the service is for your personal use only. We grant you a limited right to use the service during the duration of this agreement. You cannot transfer this right of use to a third person or party. You may not copy, distribute or commercially exploit the service, its features or components in any way unless otherwise expressly agreed.

In addition to you, the service is available for use by anyone who has access to the service.

Your rights and the access you have given us

These terms do not affect the ownership (such as copyrights and trademarks) of any information or material that you may submit, produce or transmit through our service. However, in order to provide our service, you grant us a limited worldwide license to use the above information and materials for the duration of this agreement.

​​The access you have given to us is limited to what is necessary to provide the service, such as storing messages you send us and using the information you provide to us to respond to you.

This does not prevent you from also granting access to the above information or material to another party.

Please note that to the extent that the information you provide to us is personal data, it will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Our responsibility as a service provider

We will compensate you for any direct damage caused by a delay or error in the service. For indirect damages such as unearned income, loss of earnings, destruction of data or other similar damages, we will only be liable if the damage is caused by our negligence.

We would like to emphasise that the information and advice provided on the service are recommendations and we are not responsible for any action you take or refrain from taking based on them. We are also not responsible for the effect of your actions on your rights or the rights of third parties.

Our total liability per one user or any other party is limited to five hundred (500) euros, unless this is unreasonable in the circumstances. A limitation of liability may be unreasonable if, for example, it creates a large imbalance between your obligations and ours due to your young age or any other factor. The limitation of liability is not intended to restrict any of your rights under mandatory law, such as the Finnish Consumer Protection Act (kuluttajansuojalaki).

We will do our best to provide the service. However, we cannot be held liable for delays and damages caused by an obstacle beyond our control which we could not have influenced with reasonable effort. Examples of force majeure include flood, earthquake or other major natural disaster, fire or war. A strike, lockout, boycott or other industrial action is also considered force majeure if we are the object of or involved in it. We will promptly notify you in writing of the force majeure and of the ending of the force majeure event.

Termination of the agreement

When you accept these Terms of Use, an agreement between you and us will become effective. The agreement covers your use of the service and it is valid until further notice.

You may terminate the agreement and these terms for your part at any time and for any reason by deleting your account. You may send us a request to delete your account by email to info@someturva.fi. Once your account is deleted, your right to use the service will end.

Similarly, we may terminate the agreement at any time, giving you a reasonable period of notice.

If you use the service in breach of these Terms of Use, we may terminate the agreement at any time with immediate effect. This right does not limit the right of the parties to terminate the agreement with immediate effects in other circumstances.

Please note that if you have purchased the service from our online shop, your right to use the service will also depend on the product you have purchased and the duration of your order. For more information, please read the terms of the online shop.

Other terms

You do not have the right to transfer this agreement between you and us to a third person or party.

We have the right to transfer the service or its maintenance, including the related responsibilities and obligations, and any agreement for the service to another company that belongs to the same group of companies as us. We also have the right to transfer mentioned responsibilities and obligations and the agreement in the event that our company or its business is transferred to another company as a result of a sale, acquisition, merger or demerger or similar arrangement.

We may change the Terms of Use for reasons related to the development of the service by notifying you of the updated terms within the service. You have the right not to accept the updated version of the Terms of Use, but this will mean that your right to use the service will end. If you continue to use the service after you have been notified of the updated Terms of Use, you are considered to have accepted them.

We have the right to use subcontractors to provide the service. We are responsible for the performance of our subcontractors as our own.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

The agreement between you and us and these Terms of Use are governed by Finnish law.

As a consumer, you have the right to refer any disputes arising from the agreement to the Consumer Disputes Board (www.kuluttajariita.fi/fi). Before taking the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board, you should contact the Consumer Advisory Service of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (https://www.kkv.fi/kuluttajaneuvonta). You can also use the online dispute resolution platform run by the European Commission (http://ec.europa.eu/odr). Please note that if your use of the service is related to your commercial or business activities, you may not have these consumer rights.

Alternatively, you have the right to bring an action against us in the district court in Finland where you are domiciled or habitually resident, or where our registered office is located. If there is no other competent court for the action, disputes concerning the agreement will be resolved by the Helsinki District Court.

Contact us

We welcome your comments, questions, concerns and suggestions regarding the Terms of Use. Contact details for matters related to the agreement are:

Service provider: Somis Enterprises Oy (business ID 2837159-1)
Address: Köydenpunojankatu 2 a, 00180 Helsinki
E-mail: info@someturva.fi